Ecology. Results of 2020
Main environmental results of 2020
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On December 12-14, in Moscow, within the framework of the International Exhibition and Forum ECOTECH-2017 was held the Fifth All-Russia Congress on Environmental Protection.
It was attended by public environmental organizations, different levels authorities and businessmen to sum up the results of the Ecology Year announced by the President of the Russian Federation. The event was preceded by a meeting of the Organizing Committee for holding the forum and congress, during which it was decided to combine these large-scale events into one in view of the similarity of the set tasks set, which gave it a special status.
Visitors were actively interested in the companies stands, photo ©
Forum ECOTECH-2017 was held in the Crocus Expo exhibition center. According to official data, it gathered more than 10 thousand participants and guests from 50 countries of the world, including the USA, Germany, France, Finland, Norway, Sweden, the Republic of Korea, Japan, China, India, etc.
Key participants of the event:
The event was organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation under the Donskoy Sergey Efimovich leadership.
Donskoy Sergey Efimovich, photo ©
During 2017, in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at least 6,500 actions were held aimed at drawing attention to the problem of ecology and the state of the environment. More than 20 million people participated in the events - and this is only official data. ECOTECH-2017 is a summary of the results of the whole year.
The forum participants presented innovative technical and technological solutions designed to improve the environmental situation in Russia and the world by industry: industrial ecology, urban, rural, etc.
PJSC Transneft deals not only with the direct development of natural resources and their transportation. The company actively creates and implements innovative projects, the latest were presented at the exhibition ECOTECH in the Crocus Expo. One of the directions of the enterprise's work at present is rational use of natural resources and taking measures to preserve and maintain environmental safety of the environment.
Demonstration of a new universal absorbent, photo ©
The most attractive element of the Transneft stand was an aquarium with representatives of marine life of the Japan Sea. It was possible to observe mollusk-scallops, trepangs, brought from the city of Nakhodka specially for the exhibition. The exposition was designed by specialists of the aqua salon Aqua Logo.
Aquarium with representatives of the Japan Sea marine life, photo ©
The installation of an aquarium at the exhibition is not accidental: the representatives of the company showed the safety of modern technologies for the extraction and transportation of oil and its products. Addition and explanation was the established polygon model of the mariculture, which is located in the bay of Kozmin. It demonstrates the life of "capricious" marine inhabitants in close proximity to the oil pipeline.
In the course of summing up the results of the year, the best projects in different nominations were awarded. The winner in the nomination "Active environmental policy of the company in the Ecology Year" was the company SUEK-Kuzbass, the largest coal producer in Russia, one of the most significant in the world. SUEK supplies coal to the domestic market and for export.
SUEK-Kuzbass, the largest coal producer in Russia, photo ©
The company received an award for innovative and relevant projects, which were represented at the exhibition as its participant:
Thus, the company is now moving to the use of safe technologies that are conducive to maintaining the cleanliness of the environment during mining and processing of minerals.
The company Nornickel was noted by the Ministry of Nature as an active environmentalist in several areas:
Interactive stand of Nornickel, photo ©
The Mineral and Chemical Company EuroChem received an award from the head of Rosprirodnadzor Artem Sidorov for active environmental activities. The enterprise is one of the largest producers of mineral fertilizers, actively implementing the policy of maintaining the cleanliness of the environment. It consists in using available technologies that reduce the amount of emissions and discharges from production activities, as well as increasing social responsibility both within the enterprise and the population.
Some statistics: in 2010-2017, the association of enterprises EuroChem invested more than 8.68 billion rubles in the implementation of environmental projects. As a result, industrial emissions decreased by 33%, the consumption of fresh water has decreased by 31%, while the volume of discharged waste water - 30%.
Panel discussion on "Ensuring environmental safety in the extraction and transport of hydrocarbons" was organized by the OJSC Pipe Metallurgical Co., which is part of the world's top three manufacturers of pipe products.
The discussion was aimed at the issues of environmental safety in the construction of oil wells and improving the reliability of pipelines. Representatives of Pipe Metallurgical Co. familiarized the participants with innovative methods of combating soil melting during the extraction of fossils in permafrost conditions. They talked about the introduction of new tubing to produce oil with an increased content of aggressive constituents. The systems are designed and manufactured by Pipe Metallurgical Co.
Russian Copper Company (RCC) presented projects strategically important for the environment in the field of elimination of environmental damage accumulated in the twentieth century in the industrial cities of the Chelyabinsk region:
These are important projects for the South Ural, marked by the commission of the event as highly significant and breakthrough.
On the interactive stand it was possible to see the planned remediation programs, photo ©
Russian Copper Company presented a detailed description of projects within the framework of the business program of the forum.
The business standard of RCC includes programs for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection "Smart copper". This is a combination of the latest technologies in the production of copper products, while responsible attitude to the environment.
At the exhibition ECOTECH-2017, the thematic start-ups were represented by youth organizations within the framework of the Climatron-2017 contest. The creators of the best projects were awarded in the jury's opinion.
Final of the eco-startups contest Klimatron, photo ©
Startups presented "the future of modern ecology". Among the recognized finalists, projects with spoken titles:
At the exhibition ECOTECH-2017 guests and participants could see the unique film "Baikal is the heart of the world". It was presented by General Producer Igor Dobrovolsky on December 13th at the stand of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. For the general public, the premiere will take place only in the autumn of 2018.
Igor Dobrovolsky draws world attention to the most important problem, which is 100% related to the environment, the problem of the need to preserve drinking water. The importance of the most valuable resource on the planet, more valuable than gas and oil, is best felt when there is no opportunity to quench your thirst. That is why the great lake Baikal stands in the center of history as a symbol of pure drinking water and the life of future generations in happiness and harmony. This film is about our planet, about Lake Baikal, about drinking water and about each of us. It can not leave any spectator indifferent.
Announcement of the film "Baikal - the heart of the world", photo ©
The full-length film "Baikal is the heart of the world" was created for family viewing. His genre is defined as a spectacular documentary-game. The task of the creators of the film is to attract the attention of the Russian and world viewers to the problem of preserving fresh drinking water not only at Lake Baikal, but also other reservoirs and sources around the globe. As you know, its reserves are rapidly declining.
Baikal contains 1/5 of the volume of all drinking water on the planet, about 24 trillion liters.
The exhibition ECOTECH-2017 became a place where guests could get acquainted with representatives of unique Russian reserves and national parks, learn about them many interesting things: about animals and plants, about the possibility of staying. Visitors were interested in how to get to the reserved place. Spherical video showed life in protected areas and helped to plunge into the local atmosphere.
From commercial organizations I would like to mention the company Modern Ecological Technologies. They presented a revolutionary product - a device for processing food waste. The principle of this device is complete dehydration of food waste and grinding them into a granular substrate in just 3 hours. The resulting waste is easily collected and stored.
The company plans to install a SMART-system for processing food waste on an industrial scale in the Vladimir.
Food waste processing device Smart CARA, photo ©
CG Ekostandart has been a leader in the field of environmental monitoring and expertise for 20 years. They assembled unusual eco-devices for home and street - skipping ropes and a ball for charging mobile devices, a bicycle-generator of electricity, an autonomous aqua farm for growing greenery and the "ear" of Jabra for monitoring the noise level in the apartment.
CG Ekostandart presented their book "ECOHOUSE. ECOOFFICE. EKOSTYLE OF LIFE", three copies of the book were participated during the award ceremony of the companies, which received certificates "EcoMaterial". The first place was given to the Moscow headquarters of Adidas, representatives of the group actively invited for an excursion.
Participants of the exhibition-forum ECOTECH-2017 noted that with the end of the Ecology Year, the created projects and the initiated business do not end in any way, they will continue in the work of Russian business and society.
Timofeeva Julia, Russia, Moscow