Scientifically substantiated facts about love explain both the mechanism of its occurrence and many "oddities" of the lovers behavior. For example, scientists assure that four minutes is enough to fall in love, and non-verbal signals - gestures, facial expressions, body position, play a key role in this process. But the most powerful tool is the look. Between people who look into each other’s eyes for at least a minute, a strong emotional connection is formed, but the words at this moment do not play any role and even vice versa, inhibit the “emergence” of feelings.
A strong emotional connection is formed between people who look at each other’s eyes for at least a minute, photo WEB
It is interesting that love flashes faster if a man and a woman meet in an extreme situation, rather than in a familiar environment. However, the place of dating does not affect the duration of the relationship, and in any case, the active development of dopamine, responsible for love, lasts no longer than 30 months.
Adolescents were even less fortunate, since their “feelings to the grave” actually live from four to 18 weeks. However, this has its own plus: love is not always mutual, and undivided is one of the most common causes of youthful suicide. So, experts say that every 12th teenager in the world tried to die, not finding the reciprocity.
Love flashes faster if a man and woman meet in an extreme situation, photo WEB
In adulthood, when the hormonal background is more stable, due to an unsuccessful love experience, much fewer people try to force their hands on themselves. However, scientists note a special condition in which rejected partners are often immersed. The frustration of attraction - the phenomenon of a sudden painful attraction to a departed lover - explains the fact that it is those who is left bear the breakup harder, even if the relationship weighed on them.
Hence the tears, self-flagellation and midnight calls in alcoholic intoxication ... It is not worth blaming those who commit such “stupid things” - they endure their state unbearably painfully physically, because the rejected lovers have extremely high activity in that part of the brain that recognizes physical pain.
A breakup is harder for those who is left, photo WEB
On the other hand, at the peak of falling in love, some areas of the brain “fall asleep”. This is one of the most interesting facts about love, which confirms the German researcher Andreas Bartel. He noted in people who are at the stage of the candy-bouquet period, a decrease in the activity of sites responsible for negative emotions and rational decisions. At the same time, parts of the brain associated with vision are activated in a loving man, because the winged expression “a man loves with eyes” has a scientifically based base.
By the way, the eyes are those traitors who will show the feelings of even the most secretive ninja. In the presence of an object, the pupils of a person expand and can 4 times exceed the normal size. It is impossible to imitate such a languid look, but a similar reaction also arises to pain, alcohol and ... drugs. And in general, the very state of falling in love can be compared with the action of a psychotropic substance.
Eyes are traitors which will show feelings, photo WEB
Hormones — dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline — are responsible for the feeling of euphoria, which is akin to narcotic drug, and, by the way, it is the latter that is to blame for the appearance of those same “butterflies in the stomach”. Their “fluttering” is the result of stress that causes thoughts about a lover or contact with him, so at the hormonal level, parachute jumping and communication with a loved one are almost the same thing.
However, the hormonal explosion in the human body, pierced by the arrow of the Amur, is not only positive, and this is certainly not the most pleasant fact about love. The stress hormone cortisol is another love companion who is to blame for mood swings and depression in a sufferer stunned by love.
At the hormonal level, parachuting and talking with your loved one are almost the same thing, photo WEB
And if, along with a surge of cortisol, the level of serotonin, responsible for the feeling of satisfaction, collapses, then the development of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder is likely. In this state, there is no romance - it is just right to call a psychiatrist, therefore, in the statement that love is akin to illness, there is also a considerable share of truth.