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Jewelry of the 2017 season calls to emphasize the image and saturate the outfit with colorful accents.
Pearls are still relevant, and from novelties designers offer open or very large jewels, a variety of colors, unpaired earrings
Pearls are still relevant, photo WEB
Asymmetry. Earrings different in shape - one of the most noticeable trends in 2017, although sometimes the difference between the right and left earrings is barely perceptible, as in the jewels of Chopard and Autore. A more noticeable solution is the combination of one shape and an ascending pattern in different earrings, for example, laconic cloves and cuffs or a long pendant.
In Chopard earrings difference between the right and left earrings is barely perceptible, photo ©
Large unpaired earrings amaze with a variety of shapes - designers combine rings and geometric figures, spirals, clusters, laconic "drops". The final trend chord is the solo earrings, put on one ear and falling on the shoulder. In a more refined version, a small earring is complemented by a miniature companion, made in the same color scheme.
The final trend chord is the solo earrings, put on one ear, photo WEB
Pink gold. Warm shade of precious metal at the peak of popularity in 2017. Rose gold can not be confused, it is suitable for different types of skin and always looks exquisite and presentable.
Warm shade of precious metal at the peak of popularity in 2017, photo WEB
Chains. Chain with a large weave is the only accent of the image. This rule was introduced by designers in the 2017 season. Another option is decorations from a variety of thin, disparate chains. They are offered by Valentino, Balenciaga, Moschino, Alexander McQueen.
Massive necklaces, bracelets and rings. A tight-fitting choker, actual earlier, today gives way to a discouragingly large, intricate long necklace. The size of the wide bracelets with gold decor, luxurious patterns and bizarre shapes emphasize the elegant wrists, and the massive rings continue the trend of large shapes and catchy design. Designers offer to wear rings all at once, putting on one finger or on different.
Massive necklaces, bracelets and rings are in vogue, photo ©
No clasp. The minimalism of open bracelets, necklaces and rings fits into both the business and the futuristic image, emphasizing the sense of style and elegance of the owner.
Minerals. Large, sometimes unprocessed semi-precious stones, mica and drusa in precious frames took a special place in the trends of 2017, being used for coulombs, earrings, rings, brooches.
Large, sometimes unprocessed semi-precious stones took a special place in the trends of 2017, photo WEB
Diamonds. The original use of the "king of the gems" was offered by Ana Katarina. She placed the classic round cut stones "on the contrary", that is, the culette (point) outwards. It emphasized the exquisite and yet slightly brutal design of the Sumerian Spike Diamond Twist earrings.
Collection of Ana Katarina, with diamonds "on the contrary", photo ©
Although the inverted inlay is not new, today such decorations are becoming more and more in the performance of not only diamonds, but also other gems. Another trend 2017, associated with diamonds - color fantasy options, especially yellow and pink.
Gems. Not everyone can afford colored diamonds.
Designers use placers of other colored gems in jewels 2017, photo WEB
Considering this, designers use placers of other colored gemstones - sapphires, tourmaline, topaz, amethysts, citrine in jewels of 2017
Ilona Bartula, Lugano, Switzerland.
Ordered by Juliana Jewelry AG