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The Milan Motorcycle Shows (EICMA) was held this week in Italy. It gathered bikers from all over the world. But at the exhibition were not only roaring motors, but also quiet electric scooters and bicycles.
A lot of people were there - especially on Friday, when all female motorcycle lovers were allowed to enter for free. Therefore, on Friday the salon was especially beautiful, and the girls-models near the "iron horses", and no less beautiful visitors. Although even the first two days, November 7-8, which allowed only specialists and the press, the people were noticeably more. And from Thursday to Sunday, there were so many people that it was difficult to pass sometimes.
The Milan Motorcycle Shows (EICMA) in Milan, photo © Evgeny Utkin
A lot of new products, and all major companies have reserved hundreds of meters for their brands. The surface of the exhibition grew by 14%, till 280 thousand square meters, capturing even a new pavilion, almost all occupied by Chinese manufacturers.
Moreover, there was a separate exposition in the center of the city, in Lambrate. There on 5 thousand square meters was held East EICMA Motorcycle - a motorcycle's exhibition of vintage, author's, and with original tuning. By the way, the entrance was free, while at the main, in Ro Fiera near Milan, the ticket costs 21 euros.
On Friday the salon was especially beautiful, photo © Evgeny Utkin
The exhibition was visited by many movie actors, for example, Keanu Reeves. He represented his company Arch Motorcycle. And the champions of the world in different categories were dozens. They posed with visitors, gave autographs and posters with their image. In the air, many gadgets flashed - jerseys, caps, key chains, which DJ girls launched to their fans.
In fact, bikers are a special kind of people. I had to see how they enthusiastically looked at the moto, looking in all possible places, pushing sometimes the girls-models, so they did not interfere. Where else can you see this?
Champions of the world in different categories gave autographs and posters, photo © Evgeny Utkin
However, many, on the contrary, looked at the girls with pleasure, photographed with them, on the background of motorcycles (scooters, cross-country vehicles, snowmobiles and boats - there were also such, of course, much less), got acquainted, joked.
It's nice to note that every year more and more space is allocated to electric scooters and bicycles. There are more and more, many brands offer them. They are becoming more elegant, cheaper and faster. They drive mostly 40-50 km/h and can travel from 60 to 120 km without charging. Batteries have become light and removable - they can be taken with you to charge at home or in the office. As, for example, the German company GOVECS, which next year will sell its new scooter Elly for 3330 euros.
Every year more and more space is given to electric scooters, photo © Evgeny Utkin
There were many bicycles, both conventional and electric. Even created a special zone - E-BIKE, where you can find bicycles from a thousand to 12 thousand euros. The bicycle market is a fast-growing market in Europe, with a two-digit growth in almost all European countries. Bicycles with electric motors have become popular throughout Europe.
A special area was created - Area Start Up & Innovation, where young companies presented their ideas, projects and ready-made samples. Of course, most of all there were bicycles. I remember the first Crossover Bike of the Italian company Arlix with it design and features (I saw how he drives through the sand and even tried it), although there were interesting ideas from others.
Evgeny Utkin on the Crossover Bike of the Italian company Arlix, photo © Evgeny Utkin
Unfortunately, the most beautiful girls were near the most powerful motorcycles or elegant scooters. By electric bikes or motorcycles for some reason there were no girls almost. Apparently, who cares about ecology, does not need to attract girls.
Energica Motor Company represented its electric motors, photo © Evgeny Utkin
Although, there were rare exceptions. The Energica Motor Company of Modena (Italy) represented its electric motors, which are not so easy to distinguish from conventional ones. Speed up to 200 km / h, aggressive design. Just noticing an unusual girl with a lot of tattoos, you will notice that motorcycles are not quite ordinary. The case when a girl is needed even for an eco-lover.
Evgeni Utkin, Italy, Milan