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Экологические тренды 2019What's awaits the ecology of the planet in the new 2019?

Ecological trends 2019

Leading economists, environmentalists, political scientists and other experts have identified the main factors that will have a global impact on humanity in the coming months. The verdict is unanimous - the main trend of 2019 will be environmental problems.

In 2019, they will reach a new level, and the main one may be the lack of fresh water. It will probably be the most expensive and valuable resource on the planet, and against the background of its deficit, fluctuations in the cost of oil and gold will seem insignificant.

Incredibly, today, in the age of nanotechnology, flying taxis  and global computerization, almost 850 million people on the planet do not have access to sources of clean drinking water. In different parts of the world, the sanitary-epidemiological situation is depressing - the impossibility of observing the banal rules of hygiene takes here thousands of lives every year. But despite the achievements of science and technology, for such regions there are still no effective and stable methods for solving the “water” problem.

Freshwater shortage is a major environmental problem

Freshwater shortage is a major environmental problem, photo WEB

The second global threat to humanity is polyethylene. Its use as a food packaging made a real revolution in the 50s, but today it has become a problem of global scale. Polyethylene debris pollutes the world's oceans and poisons the soil, causing mass death of birds and animals, which swallow bright "rustles", taking them as insects.

Polyethylene has a detrimental effect on the environment at all stages of its existence, from production to processing, and to free the planet from the polyethylene shell, humanity must not only physically clean the soil and water from this polymer, but also find an environmentally friendly alternative to it. Many states are actively working in this direction, but these processes will not be completed either this year or even in the next five years.

Polyethylene debris litters the ocean.

Polyethylene debris litters the ocean, photo WEB

The third frightening trend is global warming. To eliminate the impending threat, not only voluntary public organizations insist on immediate reforms. Last fall, at a meeting in Incheon, UN experts reported that only unprecedented and urgent measures would save the planet from the consequences of an inexorable rise in temperature.

And they - the consequences - can be catastrophic and, what is most terrible, spontaneous and difficult to predict. Droughts at one end of the world and floods in the other, abnormal heat and blizzards, tsunamis and hurricanes are likely to hit the most unprotected countries of the world.

The world has finally paid attention to global warming.

The world has finally paid attention to global warming, photo WEB

Against the background of the above, the death of many representatives of flora and fauna in the near future may not seem so significant. However, it is precisely the reduction of the species diversity on the planet that becomes the fourth ecological trend of the year. Animal defenders all over the world are alarming — melting ice and climate change are causing extinction of dozens of living species. This process destroys complex biological chains, undermines the stability of entire ecosystems, and we see "the butterfly effect" in action ...

These trends do not give optimism, but meanwhile, the awareness of the problem is the beginning of its solution. Today, mankind, finally, asks itself the right questions, and therefore, will be able to answer them.

Victoria Romanova, Russia, Moscow