The idea of portal creation was born in September 2016, and from that moment, the modest Russian-Swiss project gathered under its wing a strong team of professionals united by a common goal - to draw public attention to pressing environmental issues.
For 3 years a team of professionals has gathered together, photo WEB
In order to interest as many people as possible with eco-content, for three years we also covered the latest sports, economics and culture news, interviewed movie stars, pop music, television and more. From year to year, we were pleased to observe an increase in public interest to the portal - now 10,000 people visit us monthly, and 20% of them got acquainted with the resource in 2020. The geography of portal readers today covers the whole world, but more often, of course, Russians and Swiss become its guests.
Over the years, VLV-mag has found many like-minded people among media personalities, large companies and foundations, which eventually became its good friends and partners. Together with the World Wide Fund, we covered a lot of eco-news, and discussed the most pressing issues of the global and Russian economies with the assistance of Pretium Trade House.
We covered environmental issues together with WWF, photo © А.Tikhonova
We made friends with the Swiss GreenHope sport charity fund, which operates under the motto "Sports against cancer!" and supports young athletes. Also began cooperation with the French manufacturing company PR Industrie, the Swedish company SouthCoat AB and other foreign partners.
The portal took interview with the actresses of the exclusive GM Production agency Milena Radulovich and Lana Vladi, and for the video service online premier START VLV-mag regularly writes the most relevant reports and press releases. The portal actively collaborates with Olga Buzova, Julia Vysotskaya, Alexander Tsypkin and constantly publishes exclusive interviews with the idols of millions and with rising stars.
GreenHope sports charity fund, photo ©
The VLVmag team regularly acquaints readers with the most interesting environmental, economic, as well as sports and cultural events in Russia and the world. Last year, we covered events organized in Switzerland in honor of the 220th anniversary of Suvorov’s crossing the Alps, told readers about the Hannover Messe industrial exhibition in Hanover, the exhibitions at the Museum of Russian Impressionism, theater festivals, music competitions, sports championships and not only.
In the 2020 year, our team publishes unique interviews with professional athletes and partners of the SN PRO EXPO 2020 international sport forum, introduces the audience to the latest cinema and literature, covers many exciting projects and continues to keep abreast of major world events.
The 220th anniversary of the Suvorov crossing in Switzerland was solemnly celebrated in 2019, photo WEB
We sincerely thank each reader for their interest in our eco-project. We say thanks to the old partners who have gone with us all the difficult way, and to new friends who recently joined the team. We are three years old! We have a lot of fresh ideas, we are doing a good, important thing and confidently declare: the most interesting is ahead!