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Russian Investment Forum 2019


This time, the eighteenth annual Russian Investment Forum was held under the motto “National Projects: From Strategy to Action”. For three days, from February 13 to 15, in the Olympic Park more than 8 thousand participants discussed the prospects for innovative development of Russia and the most ambitious investment projects of the current year, presented by all regions of the country.

In 2002, in preparation for the Olympics, an investment forum called “Sochi” was held. It was the first platform of this magnitude, which provided a constructive dialogue between business and government representatives, organized under the auspices of the country's government. From year to year the forum on the Black Sea coast gathered more and more participants from all over Russia and other countries, it became more large-scale and significant. This time, RIF events were visited by 65 foreign delegations from America, Europe, China, Japan and other countries. During the work, they signed around 570 contracts for a total amount of almost a trillion rubles. This is 100 billion more than last year, and by 400 more than in 2017.

About 570 contracts were signed in the course of the RIF's work

About 570 contracts were signed during RIF, photo © TASS

During three days, the organizers of the program, led by the Roscongress Foundation, conducted more than a hundred events in various directions. At the same time, the business sector and the laboratory of social investments worked, the case-zone was active, a cultural and sports program accompanied the forum. According to the established tradition, Dmitry Medvedev visited the platform presenting the investment and economic potential of Russia.

The events were attended by ministers, heads of relevant areas, other government officials, as well as business, social organizations, culture, sports, economic, industrial and other sectors. This time, as in the past year, the case-zone worked at the forum - an additional platform for those who seek to expand their presence at the event. It is organized to assist in the promotion of investment projects and allows everyone to participate free of charge.

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev and heads of regions at the RIF 2019

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev and heads of regions at the RIF 2019, photo © TASS

As always, the exposition area has become one of the most significant on the RIF. At 43 booths were banks, news agencies, research institutes, medical centers, industrial enterprises, social and other organizations from all over the country. They offered to familiarize themselves with their investment projects. Interactive stands clearly and transparently presented information about the investment attractiveness of the exhibitor, the dynamics of its economic growth, structure and other data.

This time a lot of attention was paid to the digital economy, domestic software products and modernization of "paper" processes at the state level. A special place was taken by the projects of the “future cities” - with developed communications and infrastructure, a comfortable and well-maintained urban environment, modern transport, and so on. Among others, there were presented several promising proposals aimed at the development of tourism in the regions (Primorsky Krai, Adygea, Crimea, North Ossetia, Khanty-Mansiysk, etc.). Also in the exhibition pavilions were projects of the agro-industrial complex, transport, road and agriculture, heavy engineering, biotechnology, construction and many others.


RIF-2019, photo © TASS

Among the usual for RIF's investment in regional projects, the program found a place to discuss socio-economic development and philanthropy. This time the forum held conferences on the topics of modern medicine, sports, social adaptation of the elderly, medical care for children with diabetes, and other equally important discussions.

The awards ceremony for the winners in the social projects of the Innosocium Foundation, which sees its goal as practical assistance in resolving issues of the social sphere, ecology, education, culture and other priority areas of social development. Also on the first day at the RIF, the forum “Towards the goal of 80+” opened, raising a whole range of issues in the field of health, education and other industries. The outcome of the project was a meeting that summarized the strategic goal of the state: increasing life expectancy to 78 years over the next five years.

Awarding Ceremony for the Winners of the Innosocium Foundation Competition

Awarding Ceremony for the Winners of the Innosocium Foundation Competition, photo © Roscongress Foundation

“In the presented national projects we tried to put the life of the whole country. To be honest, nothing so ambitious and comprehensive has yet been implemented in modern Russia”, said Dmitry Medvedev on the first day of the forum. Now, after the closure of the RIF, a number of conclusions will be prepared on the basis of the discussions that took place. A group of experts from leading universities of the country is involved in writing them.

Victoria Romanova, Russia, Moscow