Transport logistics 2020

Transport logistics 2020

Last year, the Russian transport logistics market developed very slowly, but stably. However, there was no place to expect breakthrough indicators - the growth of the global economy is slowing down, and therefore similar trends are observed throughout the world. Nevertheless, the export volume is gradually growing, and from 2020 you should not expect big surprises. Let us try to suggest what trends will affect the development of transport and logistics services in the near future.

Nowdays, the main global trend, which inevitably affects the Russian logistics services market, has become the active development of the New Silk Road and, as a result, a steady increase in freight traffic from China. In light of recent events, this route turned out to be almost paralyzed, but this state of affairs is temporary, and is unlikely to have long-term consequences when the situation stabilizes.

The main global trend is the active development of the New Silk Road

The main global trend is the active development of the New Silk Road, photo ©

On the whole, today in the Chinese direction a special demand has formed for the delivery of groupage cargoes - a transportation method when small loads of various senders are in one container. In this case, the payment for the container is the sum of the places paid by the senders that are occupied by their goods.

Another very popular trend in the transport and logistics services market, which migrated from 2019 to 2020, is agrology focused on exporting Russian agricultural products to China. In China, the consumer behavior of citizens has recently been changing - their incomes are growing, the idea of healthy eating is becoming more and more popular, there is some borrowing of the West European style of consumption in the country.

Agrology is another promising area

Agrology is another promising area, photo WEB

These processes stimulate the demand for the import of environmentally friendly and, in particular, plant-based food products, which is beneficial for our agricultural sector. Therefore, agrology has already formed quite understandable prospects and development vectors. In many regions of Russia, clusters are now being dynamically created and developed that will actively produce the necessary mass of agricultural products.

These processes, in turn, force the warehouse and terminal infrastructure to develop rapidly. The creation of new storage facilities in the Russian regions is a necessity that can be safely called one of the main logistics trends of the coming years. Today, there is already a shortage of consolidation centers within the country, and the formation of their more powerful base will allow to increase the volume of groupage cargoes, for which, as mentioned above, demand is only growing.

The creation of temporary storage warehouses in the Russian regions is another trend in 2020.

The creation of temporary storage warehouses in the Russian regions is another trend of 2020, photo WEB

Another trend in the market of transport and logistics services is the increase in demand for logistics outsourcing. Comprehensive customer service, covering the entire range of services from delivery to order management, is still poorly represented in Russia, but the prospects for this area are bright. The development of new industries in the country will contribute to its development in many respects, for which there are certain prerequisites in view of the active development of import substitution.

One more trend should be noted - the ongoing process of digitalization and automation of logistics at all stages. This is an unconditional mainstream, and more and more companies are coming to the necessity of introducing it. Moreover, for small ones it is no less relevant, since costs in the industry are only growing. The low margin of the market forces carriers to automate processes as much as possible in order to increase the profitability of the business.

Digitalization is the main trend of logistics

Digitalization is the main trend of logistics, photo WEB

Considering the trends in logistics for 2020, do not forget about the developing of Asia-Pacific direction. Considerable work remains to be done in the markets of Japan, Korea, and Vietnam to attract cargo flows from there to Russian Far Eastern ports.

So, given the emerging trends, the main drivers for the development of the country logistics services market may be: increasing the delivery distance; targeted state support of the market for new trucks; development of road transport infrastructure; restructuring of cargo flows through decentralization of logistics and so on.

Asia-Pacific direction is actively developing

Asia-Pacific direction is actively developing, photo © TASS

In general, industry shocks should not be expected in the near future. All the factors that influenced logistics in the past year will continue, while fundamentally new ones are not yet expected. Therefore, it will be logical to assume the further development of existing trends, reinforced by the understandable desire of carriers to reduce their own costs without loss of service quality.


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