Luxury boats and yachts are considered the most inaccessible symbol of the true dolce vita. But despite this, every year more and more sailing and motor ships of adventure lovers enter the vast oceans. However, to fly through the waves, feeling the tremendous spirit of freedom, it is not necessary to buy your own 30 floating meters, because today everythere there are dozens of companies that will help to rent a vessel in any port of the world.
Luxury boats and yachts are considered an unattainable symbol of true dolce vita, photo WEB
But first, you should decide on your role on board - you can sail as a passenger even tomorrow, but to get at the helm, you need to go through training and get the appropriate certificate. The easiest is International Crew, which allows you to be an assistant captain. The main one is International Bareboat Skipper, and in the daytime it gives the right to independently control a sailing and motor yacht, the length of which does not exceed 24 meters. This is not the limit, and restrictions can be removed later, gaining experience and improving qualifications.
When the necessary knowledge and the treasured permissions are obtained, you can safely go on a short voyage near the coast, on a fast regatta, and on a leisurely long-term voyage away from worldly fuss. Having discovered the incredible perspectives that gives the sea, everyone chooses his own path, but no one returns to land as before.
To stand at the helm, you need to undergo training, photo WEB
Once carried away by yachts, many go sailing, where they are looking for additional adrenaline and a way to implement it. You can participate in regattas both on your own and on a rented vessel, both with your own and with a hired crew. Regattas are different, and not all of them are extreme, so the first steps in this sport are easy to take with minimal material (as much as possible when it comes to yachts) and psychological costs.
However, sport is the lot of the most desperate and gambling, but there are not many like them. More often, the acquisition of your own ship is dictated by the desire to go to sea from a boring lifestyle or to travel without conventions. There is another reason - the need to maintain their status as a fashionable luxury toy. In any case, the goal determines the choice of yachts, which are usually divided into sports and cruise. The former are small and maneuverable, while the latter are more comfortable and very large.
Who is fond of yachts often go sailing, photo WEB
During the construction of superyachts more than a hundred meters long, are used extremely expensive materials - valuable woods, genuine leather, but most importantly - the most modern and reliable electronic “stuffing”. But a small new ship can be relatively cheap - from 40-50 thousand dollars, and fabulously expensive, depending on the content and design. Yachts are a piece and exclusive product, because each has its own highlight. However, regardless of the vessel's purpose, knowledgeable people will never exchange a sailboat for a motorboat. The latter practically does not need fuel, it is silent and does not pollute the environment, almost does not break, requires less operating costs and is easy to manage.
However, buying a yacht is half the battle. But even relaxing on a yacht at no additional cost, not to mention sports, is an expensive pleasure. The maintenance of a new toy annually costs 10-20% of its value, and this amount does not include taxes and fuel. Experienced sailors often get along without a hired team and are able to carry out some repairs on their own, but other expenses remain, such as paying for parking and buying supplies, which can not be avoided. For a beginner, the size of these expenses most often causes shock.
Only expensive materials are used in building superyachts, photo WEB
Be that as it may, the decision to enter the yacht club is not born out of the blue and does not let go just like that. Someone collects pennies all his life to buy a well-worn little boat, someone just gets the right amount out of his wallet, and someone does not at all consider the option of buying, sometimes preferring to rent a ship or go to sea as part of someone else's team. However, everyone who is in love with yachts has something in common - an uncontrollable thirst for freedom and the courage to break stereotypes.