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Many people are trying to solve the problem of environmental pollution with plastic waste, but today the revolution seems to have come to pass. And it's name is Ooho. Behind the pleasing name, lies a no less pleasant concept.
Ooho is a fundamentally new approach to the transportation and storage of liquids and, in particular, drinking water. At its core, it is a spherical capsule made of biodegradable material, based on seaweed.
Ooho - a new approach to transportation and storage of liquids, photo WEB
The substance is edible and if desired, you can not only drink the contents, but eat it yourself. Do not want to eat? Throw away without a twinge of conscience! The material decomposes in vivo in 4 to 6 weeks, as any product of plant origin.
The technology of capsule production is simple. Frozen balls of water are immersed in a special solution based on seaweed, which solidifies, forms the shell. The melted water is reliably protected, because the membrane is quite strong. For hygienic purposes, water is "packaged" in two layers. The first is recommended to be removed and thrown away, the second one can be eaten.
After drinking the liquid, the capsule can be eaten, photo WEB
An edible Ooho capsule was created in the London laboratory of Skippin Rocks Lab. For development, the company received a grant from the EU in the amount of 22.5 thousand dollars, and therefore such a project is difficult to call amateur. Specialists - engineers, chemists, business consultants, designers - have been studying the properties of seaweed materials for a long time and are trying to find cheaper methods for their production. So, today the production of Ooho is already less expensive, compared with the production of plastic bottles. The price of a capsule with a volume of 250 ml is not more than 0,03 euro.
It's amazing, but the developers assure that such Ooho capsules can not only be bought, but also made at home. Any size, depending on the purpose, as well as color. The maximum volume of liquid that can hold the capsule is 5 liters, the minimum - several milliliters. Membranes can even be flavored.
Capsules can be any color and size, photo © oohowater
In general, everything has been done to make the product popular. You can keep in capsules not only water, but in general any drinks, including alcoholic. And also you can fill it with cosmetic means to take them on a business trip, to a sports club or on a short vacation for a weekend.
The lab plans are very ambitious, Skippin Rocks Lab is not going to stop there. The creators of the edible water capsule Ooho plan to become the leading producers of seaweed bio-packaging in the world and even want to compete with TetraPak.
Skippin Rocks Lab want to compete with TetraPak, photo WEB
An edible alternative to a plastic container has impressive prospects and is able to solve the problem of environmental pollution with PET bottles, glasses and packages. Development has been carried out over the past two years and now, if the laboratory manages to find investors, they will be able to release the first trial lot this year.
Today Skippin Rocks Lab actively advertises its concept, participates in all possible exhibitions and conferences, shoots promotional videos and "bombs" the Internet. A good idea is sure to find a response, and who knows, maybe in a couple of years the history of the plastic bottle will come to an end, passing the baton to biodegradable capsules.
Victoria Romanova, Russia, Moscow